A Networked Sensor-to-Shooter System for Maneuvering Forces
FIRE WEAVER™ is a revolutionary networked sensor-to-shooter system which enables unequalled speed, accuracy & safety for the tactical forces. It complements the BMS by connecting all sensors and shooters in real time, presenting relevant Augmented Reality information on the weapon sight, and instantly selecting the most relevant shooter for each target ‒ enabling simultaneous, precision strikes.
Land forces required the mobility, fire power, situational awareness capabilities to deploy quickly, achieve their objectives and returned home safely. This technology create a radical improvement with the maneuvering forces.
This system provides data distributed from all sensors that can be exploited into action for shooter over different path, Even if communications are slow, it is possible to tell someone to do something at tactically useful tempos.
Process can allow assets to be used more efficiently and support the tactical forces with their mission. It provides the ability to sense and strike in second that is the necessary capability for dominating the battlefield and for the forces survivability.
FIRE WEAVER connects all the combat systems into one Fast Accurate and Effective Networked Combat System, also breaks the boundaries between land, air and maritime forces as it allows us to connect and shred data on real time
Connect all sensors and shooters on the battlefield over a tactical data link, vastly reducing closure time of the sensor-to-shooter loop.
Determine in real time who can see a marked target, who is best equipped, armed and positioned tactically to engage.
Use parallel processing to provide a highly-sophisticated fires network by enabling precision engagement of more targets in less time
Operate at all levels, from Special Forces to entire brigade including joint force.
Main Capabilities
Ultra-smart Core manages entire network and attack process, including safety of forces
Collects, filters & disseminates data from unlimited sensors
RT Fire Selection handles multiple targets simultaneously
Fire Management Terminal enables human control in RT
2D/3D Computer Vision, GPS-independent, accurate Geo-referencing, advanced image processing, AR
Cognitive dissemination over tactical radio system
Multi-language:GPS, laser & electro-optical pixels